- ●自己紹介
- 初めまして。 DOUDOU認定講師のERIKOと申します。千葉県浦安市にて、LAPULE(ラプレ)という教室を主宰しています。
アトリエ名「LAPULE」は、ハワイ語で「日曜日」 ハンドメイドの親子お揃い服で素敵な日曜の思い出を作っていただけたらという願いを込めて名付けました。
Hello, my name is Eriko, DOUDOU instructor in Chiba Urayasu area.
I am a working mom in IT company, with 4 years boy and 2 years twin girls. During the hard time for work and parenting, mom needs time for your joy. For me, that was sawing to make clothes for my kids.
LAPULE means "Sunday" in Hawaii. I hope you spend great weekend with your loved family with your sweet clothes.
- ●DOUDOU認定インストラクターを目指すようになったのはいつ頃どんなきっかけ?
- 子供の成長はあっという間で、この大切な瞬間に、今しかない思い出をたくさん作りたい、自分のスキルをもっと高めたい、最初はそんな思いからインストラクターコースを受講しました。特にハワイに旅行に行き、夫と息子がお揃いのシャツを着ていた時、幸せを実感し涙が出そうになりました。
Kids grow up very fast, the moment is very
Children grow up quickly, it is precious moment, so I took the instructor course for improving my skill. Especially when I went on a trip to Hawaii and my husband and son wore matching shirts, I was so happy that I almost cried. As I progressed through the course, I received requests from various moms to "I want to learn it," and I realized that there were many mothers who felt the same way, so I began to take the course from the perspective of "teaching." When I see my students' children happily wearing dresses made by their mothers, I realize every day that it is a precious qualification that can make both mothers and children happy.
- ● これからレッスンを受講される生徒様へのメッセージ
- 裁縫は苦手という方でも、楽しみながら作れるよう丁寧に伝えさせていただきますのでご安心ください。
If you are a beginner at sawing, don’t worry. I will teach you fun and useful techniques. It can be the happiest moment to make clothes for your loved family.
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